Saturday, April 11, 2009

Big Surprise!

Today I'll post the new weekly post that will come every Saturday. This post will bring hype to many games and will be speculative at some points. But, I guarantee you that this post will be 100% researched data. So after dinner grab your computer and read this weeks Whiz World Exclusive.....

Friday, April 10, 2009

Review:The Godfather 2

The Godfather 2 is the sequel to one of my favorite games, The Godfather. This game was highly anticipated by me and a many other people. Well thankfully it lived up to the hype, The Godfather 2 is a rich and diverse game. The Don's View is a very unique add on to the open world market. It creates a somewhat in control feeling and allows you control your family to a certain level. The story mode is about fourteen hours long. There's not much to do after you beat the game except look at some strippers, but by that time you probably discovered multiplayer. I believe multiplayer should be in every game no matter what genre. In this case it gives you something to do after you beat the game.

The Verdict:The Godfather 2 is a very unique and adventurous step into open world games nothing really amazing or eyegrabing but very well put together. Check it Out!


Review:Ninja Blade

Well, it's not so often you see a wanna be Ninja Gaiden. Well Ninja Blade is strikingly similar to Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Blade touts an aerial combat system that's very unique, although it's extremely easy. The regular combat system is extremely hard to master,but if you know the right combos it's EXTREMELY EASY. Wanna know the combos? Y,Y,Y,Y,Y. That's right only one button! I was able to breeze by the story using the Y button.

The Verdict: Ninja Blade is fun and very hard for about ten minutes untill you discover the master combo Y,Y,Y,Y. The story is mildly amusing but falls very short of epic.

Ninja Blade-5/10

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Boom Headshot!!

Here's the Boom Headshot viral video of the Week. From the Jimmy Kimmel show. It's in the top right corner ^ ›


Sorry guys I was on a 3 day camping trip, reviews of The Godfather 2 and Ninja Blade will come tomorrow but today I'll post the Boom Headshot video of the week.
